
Kalama provides its residents with the following services in its efforts to provide a healthy, safe, and welcoming environment to live, work, and play. Residents elect the City Council and Mayor to make the decisions on community needs. The Mayor, City Council, and Staff welcome public input and encourage residents to get involved in the community. City Council meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month in the City Council Chambers, 320 N. First St. Kalama.
City Hall: 195 N. First Street - Hours 9am-5pm, Monday - Friday
Public Library - 312 N. First Street
A few facts:
Discharge of Firearms/Hunting – In the City it is unlawful to discharge firearms within 300 feet of a residence, barn, garage, or out building or where there is a reasonable likelihood of injury to humans, domestic animals, or property.
Livestock - Livestock is allowed in the City limits on sites larger than 2 acres. All current livestock possessed at the time of annexation is grandfathered in and allowable. Livestock is defined as horses, ponies, mules, or donkeys, sheep, cattle, goats, swine, rabbits, or poultry. There are some exceptions for small livestock such as chickens or rabbits on smaller lots addressed in the City’s animal code.
Transportation Benefit District – In order for the City to maintain streets, they formed a Transportation Benefit District and enacted a $20 fee assessed on the license tabs of each vehicle registered within the city limits beginning in October 2013. The vehicle tab fee was repealed October 1, 2020. The TBD is not currently funded. As of early 2022, the City Council has proposed a 0.2% increase to Kalama's sales tax rate to fund the TBD to better maintain City streets.